UBI Quitous renamed to OTO tachihiko as of November 2015.
ゆび きたすは2015年11月に音立日子に改名しました。
UBI Quitous ゆび きたす 遊日 氣多寿
A musician from Japan, the founder of "Tazigen festival", vol.1 in Tokyo, Japan in 2013, vol. 2 in NYC, USA in 2014, and vol.3 will be held in Berlin, Germany in 2015.
From 2002 to the present, as the leader of the band "UBI&FU (aka FU)", released 4 albums and 1 ep. UBI released his 1st solo album in 2013.
Most of the songs come from his dream.
” It’s not possible to really categorize the sound achieved by the band,
working with Grammy Award winning producer Malcolm Burn.
Think Muse with invented language. ”(’Round Magazine / USA)
“I was hypnotized by their innovative melodies and unique singing style.
I have not yet seen anything like this before."(Music Psychos / Canada)
"If you are looking for something unpretentious and true, UBI&FU is the right thing for you." (The Scene Magazine / Canada)
UBI has performed at music festivals in many countries including
NXNE 2012 and 2013, Indie Week 2011 and 2014(Canada), SpringScream 2012 and 2013(Taiwan), Midi Festival 2014(China), Tazigen Festival vol.2 in NY2014(USA), and ROCKGODDAM2012, 2013, Tazigen Festival 2013(Japan).
From September to December 2014, UBI was based in NYC to spread his music to the USA. UBI has performed at the Village Underground in NYC and World Cafe in Philadelphia to a full house and a great reaction from the audience.
In 2015 UBI toured in Europe from May, and organized "Tazigen Festival vol.3" in Berlin, Germany in August.
UBI Quitous website: http://ubiquitous.jimdo.com
UBI&FU website: http://www.ubi-fu.com
UBI Quitous ゆび きたす 遊日 氣多寿
2002年より UBI&FU (2013年に FU えふゆー
得浮遊 より改名) にて4枚のアルバムと1枚のEP
"グラミー受賞プロデューサー、マルコム・バーンとともに制作され、このバンドによって成し遂げられた音を分類することは不可能である。発明された言語で歌う芸術の神を考えてみよう。”(’Round Magazine / USA アメリカ)
"彼等の革新的なメロディーと比類のない歌唱法に魅了された。かつてこんなものは観たことがない” (Music Psychos / Canada カナダ)
カナダ (NXNE2012, 2013, Indie Week2011,
2014) 、中国 (Midi Festival迷笛 2014)、台湾 (春天吶喊Spring Scream2012, 2013)、アメリカ (The Village Underground, World Cafe Live
Philadelphia, Tazigen Festival in NYC)、日本 (ROCKGODDAM 2012, 2013、ザ・ 多次元@座・高円寺GWフェスティバル)等、世界各国でのフェスティバルやツアー等多数。
2013年後半より主に中国に滞在し、ソロ活動やHang On The Box 挂在盒子上、 Uta旋灵木(悬铃木)
11月にニューヨークで第二回多次元フェスティバル "Tazigen Festival in NYC" を開催。
UBI Quitous website: http://ubiquitous.jimdo.com
UBI&FU website: http://www.ubi-fu.com